Fighting for those who speak up is a challenge is a problem for whistleblowers, who can face workplace retaliation for reporting their concerns. This can include their supervisors, internal compliance systems, or government regulators. Retaliation can include demotion, being fired, unwarranted disciplinary actions, or loss of pay or hours. Whistleblowers often cannot find another job.
Congress acknowledged that whistleblowers need job protection. The False Claims Act and the Dodd-Frank Act provide whistleblower protection and allow whistleblowers to seek compensation when workplace retaliation occurs. The False Claims Act, which prohibits fraud against the government, includes an anti-retaliation provision for whistleblowers who file qui tam lawsuits or are considering filing a qui tam lawsuit.
Individuals who are retaliated against because they support or pursue a qui tam lawsuit are protected under Section (h) of the federal False Claims Act. The False Claims Act protects employees, as well as contractors and agents, against employer retaliation.
Those who take lawful steps to investigate or bring a False Claims Act action are covered. The law states that “if that employee, contractor, or agent is discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, or in any other manner discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment, that individual can seek compensation.”
According to the False Claims Act, “If there is job or work-related retaliation, whistleblowers are entitled to all relief necessary to make the employee whole.” This can include reinstatement, two times the amount of back pay, interest on back pay, reimbursement of litigation costs and reasonable attorney fees and compensation for special damages.
For more information about the Retaliation Qui-tam Attorney Azzam Elder schedule a free initial consultation, please contact us here or call us directly at 800-MYLAWFIRM,
(800) 695-2934